Volunteer Commitment

     The successful operation of any local Little League Baseball® organization is only as successful as the quantity and quality of the volunteer support it receives. The Wilmington Little League (WLL) is no different. Every activity conducted in the name of WLL is entirely voluntary. Underlying the concept of volunteerism is commitment. When you sign your child up for baseball and softball you are, in essence, personally committing yourself to the success of the Wilmington Little League. It has been said many times, in many more eloquent ways, that the behavior you ‘model’ for your children is the behavior they will learn and carry forward into their continuing lives and, for that matter, what they will pass on to their children.

     When you register your children to play in the league and make a decision not to volunteer your time and talents, you need to understand that your children will notice what you are modeling for them. These incredibly perceptive and malleable beings will know that, while you think there is some value in your child's participation, the league activities are not worthy of your own active participation. You need to decide if that’s one of the messages you want them to take away from the baseball experience. Granted, finding time is a difficult thing. We all have our own schedules.

     Every member of the WLL Board of Directors (BOD) has a full time job, a family, and many of the same outside interests and commitments, as do you. However, the members of the BOD have chosen to take an active role in the stewardship of the WLL and a personal role in assuring that your children are well cared for and that they have an enjoyable experience. However, the BOD cannot be all things to all people and cannot possibly fulfill all the league’s needs for volunteers. In addition to all of us having our own schedules, we also have our own talents and skills and you need to ask yourself what you can offer to the league. Can you teach? Can you organize? Can you lead a committee? Do you know construction? Can you participate? Can you make a commitment? Not everyone needs or wants to be a leader – but everyone needs to do something.

     The leadership role may not be something with which you are comfortable. However, there are many other opportunities – both large and small - to help; including: coaching, umpiring, maintaining uniforms and equipment, fields and facilities maintenance, fund raising, etc. The purpose of this discussion of volunteerism is not intended to browbeat anyone into doing anything. It is simply a not-so-subtle attempt to raise your awareness of the ever-present need for volunteers (for all sorts of things) and to remind you that your children will only value the baseball experience as much as you demonstrate to them it should be valued. One way for you to indicate that value to your children is to volunteer. Be a role model, there is no one better suited for the job, and show your children that volunteerism and commitment is a part of any activity in which you and they choose to participate.

     Please volunteer to help. Your children and the children of your friends and neighbors need you to take an active role.

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